
Showing posts from September, 2012

So long, September.

A few years back friends and I used to dub September as "Not-Sober-September". Those days are long gone, and my liver thanks me for that. What a fast month this has been! I'd like to think the reason why it flew by was because I was SO EXCITED to go back home to Victoria for a weekend. Bear and I hopped over to celebrate my nephew's first birthday. Such a fast trip with so many good times. Friday: we started the night out having dinner with my parents at The Keg. Now, every Friday we go for steak with friends at a local lounge/restaurant. Those steak nights have been forever ruined, at least, until the buttery flavour of the sirloin at The Keg vanishes from memory. That was a good steak. Meatatarian here! Wait, isn't that just saying I'm a carnivore? I like meatatarian...  I was glad to see my parents and be able to see their new house too. They recently moved back to the island from mainland BC. Although it is not as far, we shared similar longings for th...

Winter is coming...

Game of Thrones Winter is coming! Okay, maybe not as dramatic or serious as in  Game of Thrones ,   but preparations are still to be made! We got word the other day of a frost warning for last night, so we had to scramble to save what veggies were left in the garden. We've had quite a bit of luck with cucumbers as well as tomatoes. But, unfortunately, our tomatoes still were not ripening! Okay, ONE ripe tomato. Just one fully ripened tomato. Bear and I tended to the plethora of tomatoes on the three vines we had. All green. Yes, except for that one ripe tomato. She's our winner! The rest Bear layered in a cardboard box with newspaper. A tomato and newspaper parfait. Bear had the joy of doing this alone as I was at an Arbonne party. Sucker. Thank you, love you! Anywho, we've been planning on making pickles with our wee pickling cucumbers for the past week or so and a frost warning got our butts in gear! Coinciding with our winter preparations, we found ourselves a...


I. Made. Perogies. Yep, made my own perogies. Actually, Bear helped too. We made perogies. We were home from our Labour-Day long weekend camping trip, soggy from the weekend of rain, when I realized I really wanted some perogies. Sadly, we were out of perogies in the freezer. What is a girl to do?!  I thought to myself, it can't be all that hard. Just some p'taters and a pastry. I even have all the ingredients! ... I think. I begun my search for a recipe at  and I found this recipe to be suitable: " Grandma's Polish Perogies ". Only one glitch: I did not have baking potatoes, just red ones, and I did not have sour cream. But, I did have a container of Greek yogurt. mmmm . I figured a p'tater is a p'tater and Greek yogurt is the same consistency as sour cream. What can go wrong? Not a lot, actually. The title to this blog is rather misleading. I whipped up the dough, as the recipe suggested, and prepared my p'taters. Since the ori...