
Showing posts from January, 2013

Gangsta Rap and Thigh Fat Clap.

Hello again! This is a slightly odd post title and a very bad image of my thighs, but I like the way it sounded. Deal with it. While at the gym the other day I thought about how awesome my workout music is soooo awesoommee . I am so very happy that my gym is usually abandoned when I'm there. This allows me to, occasionally, bust out a lyric or two while on the elliptical. I'm probably one of those "crazy chicks" that are ungracefully dancing/running/lip syncing while working-out that you point and laugh at while at the gym, but too bad, I'm there and it is MY time to take care of me.  I realize music is very personal, but mine is great, and you should like it and listen to it all the time I am definitely kidding here . Below I will share some of the songs that get me moving and keep me moving through the times that I want to quit! Follow the links to the YouTube Videos. Warning: Mom, you're not going to like a vast majority of these songs. There's sw...

Happy Belated New Year!

Alright, alright... ALRIGHT. Yes, I've been avoiding chronicling my adventures out here in prairieland. No, it's not because I've been just so darn busy being awesome that I have not been able to spend time writing my musings. It's because I'm lazy. That's right, I said it: Lazy. Over the past month and a half two months? There was Christmas prep, Christmas doing, Christmas recovery and that brings us to today. So, maybe I do  have a couple of reasons why I was not writing new posts. I guess you'll see the products of my excuses soon enough yay new post material ! The new year, as every new year beginning, I am inspiiiiired to get my butt in gear and do something great! Something so great that I .... ZZZzz ... oh wow. Already losing interest in myself. I've realized that I should start out small. I tend to get overwhelmed quite easily and loose faith right quick. So, some small changes I'll be making for the greater good are: Pay more atten...