Gangsta Rap and Thigh Fat Clap.
Hello again! This is a slightly odd post title and a very bad image of my thighs, but I like the way it sounded. Deal with it. While at the gym the other day I thought about how awesome my workout music is soooo awesoommee . I am so very happy that my gym is usually abandoned when I'm there. This allows me to, occasionally, bust out a lyric or two while on the elliptical. I'm probably one of those "crazy chicks" that are ungracefully dancing/running/lip syncing while working-out that you point and laugh at while at the gym, but too bad, I'm there and it is MY time to take care of me. I realize music is very personal, but mine is great, and you should like it and listen to it all the time I am definitely kidding here . Below I will share some of the songs that get me moving and keep me moving through the times that I want to quit! Follow the links to the YouTube Videos. Warning: Mom, you're not going to like a vast majority of these songs. There's sw...