
Showing posts from July, 2013

Miss Judgy Pants is Judging You. (How to make a good first impression at an interview)

Hello there! Today's post is out of the norm. We're currently hiring at my place of work and I've had the joy of watching resumes and interviewees present themselves to our establishment. Some come prepared, but others are not making the right impression At least, to me they're not! We are a professional office that is looking for someone to be a great first impression to our clients. Many people, including myself, are visual, and at times, how you present yourself is the only chance you have to wow your future employer. Since most people find themselves work in an office, I have prepared some tips on how to better groom your resume and self into the newly-hired awesome person you are! Disclaimer: I am in no way claiming to be a guru or expert in the hiring process. The following are observations I have made over the years.  1. Proofread your resume! Suck at spelling? Most word processors have spell-check. Use it. Beware of grammar too. Check for capitalizati...

Homestead Sweet Homestead

Hello again! I was requested to make a post to make a rustic wooden sign. I whipped it together today and it looks pretty good! I will warn you though, my tutorial isn't a pictorial step-by-step. I didn't think that through this afternoon. Ah, yes, the Homestead. To start, I rummaged through our burn pile in the yard. We like to have fires on warm summer nights and it gets rid of the brush and barn wood that our place is currently overrun with. I found a sturdy piece with little rot and holes. I sanded the front surface just a little to get rid of any splinters and roughness that may interfere with my painting. Now, you may be wondering How is her letting so nice? Well, I used my handy-dandy word processor. I have Microsoft Word for Mac. My settings were: Paper/Page size Legal Margins set at 0.5cm all around the document Font: Goudy Old Style in BOLD Font size for main lettering: 250 pt Font size for small lettering: 150 pt I played around with the font to f...

Summertime and the blogging is lazy

Oh hello there, just a few months have passed since our last encounter. Where the heck were ya?!  I was... what was I doing? Being busy doing something! It was a very long and depressing winter. We finally came out of the snow in May which then brought on flooding (and a pool in the basement!). We're now in the thick of haying season. Bear's out right now baling the stuff. le flood. Haven't been too creative these past months. Finally getting the hang of seeing the sunshine, so I've been outside as much as possible. Tending the larger garden. Pulling weeds. Pulling weeds. Pulling Weeds.  Oh, we planted 285 trees back in May. With the help of Bear's parents we had the job done in hours. The rest of the weekend consisted of mulching dead fall and spreading it around our new seedlings. Thank you Government of Canada ! Hmmm... what else... OH! WE HAVE A PUPPY! His name is Ryder yes, we're Sask fans and he has been with us for two weeks. He i...