
Well, survived another Thanksgiving weekend foodathon and I am STUFFED. So was the turkey! Bear and I travelled south to his parent's house where we enjoyed the company of his parents, youngest brother, and extended family. They are such a great group of people; I truly enjoy spending time with them. We ate delicious food, sang songs of old and new what does the fox say?! and had a lot of laughs. A great weekend. I hope you had a great Thanksgiving too. This weekend was bittersweet too. Although I spent it with wonderful company, I was also homesick. I miss my family back home and was oh so happy to be able to Skype with them for a few moments on the holiday that brings families together. Not only was it Thanksgiving, but also this weekend marks the 2 year anniversary of me heading out of my comfort zone, on my own, and out to the prairies. Oh my gosh I didn't leave a thing behind. Of course I am glad I made the change, but at times I think about how life would be dif...