Le Mis. (The Miserable)
So, I've been working at the same establishment in town for a year and a half. It started out great. I loved the new work I was learning, and as of recent, I am quite looking forward to leaving. Why you ask? One miserable person is making me miserable. So miserable, that I come home miserable and make Bear's life miserable. That's not how life is supposed to go.
At first I thought it was 'just a phase' with this one miserable person. Let's call this person 'Miserable'. Miserable found a weakness of mine and taunts me with it regularly: "Did you cry over Christmas?" What if I did? "You know, apples are delicious too, you should try one instead of eating ice cream" Uh, yeah, I eat apples all the time, not ice cream, asshole. Miserable also openly expresses that I am not fit for the position I am in at work. Miserable says things loud enough so I can hear the comments Miserable makes. Miserable makes me disbelieve in the great work I am doing, second-guess my judgement and, overall, make me have zero self-confidence in my life. And angry, moody, lashy-outy... Miserable is an adult bully. I don't have time for bullies.

I think we've all worked with a Miserable. Life is too short to work with a Miserable. I was given a book by my Arbonne coach, Tara, that has helped me realize that I must rid myself of this poisonous person. The book is titled Funny Side Up. Written by a past VP for Arbonne International, Rita Davenport goes through memoirs and teaches her life lessons. A lot of it is common sense, but sometimes we need the truth to be revealed in another format. Don't let the gal's bright expression on the cover startle you, it sure startled me! Rita brings forth a lot of quality insight: the power of determination, God's plan vs. your plan, and forgiveness that chapter I wept a little. From this book I realized that I had no time for feeling bad. I am a powerful person and I need to start living like one!
So, my plan is to find a new venture here on the Flatlands. I'm still interested in nursing and would like to begin some coursework. One setback: finances. But that's a whooollle 'nuther story. I've applied to a few new jobs recently and have had one response. Unfortunately, at the time of the interview I realized the new position and myself would not mesh very well. Darn. Even after multiple applications to multiple posistions, only that one interview. I must look over my cover letter and resume to ensure there isn't any subtext that I'm a member of the KKK or other terrorist group. WHY WON'T YOU HIRE ME?!
Anywho, what I wanted to talk about was that we all must lose that Miserable in our life. Begone! It may be tough, it may put you in a sticky financial position Okay, I haven't quit yet because I love everyone else! but it is so worth it. YOU are so worth it! I urge you to look up the book. I'll even mail you my copy if you'd like.
At first I thought it was 'just a phase' with this one miserable person. Let's call this person 'Miserable'. Miserable found a weakness of mine and taunts me with it regularly: "Did you cry over Christmas?" What if I did? "You know, apples are delicious too, you should try one instead of eating ice cream" Uh, yeah, I eat apples all the time, not ice cream, asshole. Miserable also openly expresses that I am not fit for the position I am in at work. Miserable says things loud enough so I can hear the comments Miserable makes. Miserable makes me disbelieve in the great work I am doing, second-guess my judgement and, overall, make me have zero self-confidence in my life. And angry, moody, lashy-outy... Miserable is an adult bully. I don't have time for bullies.

I think we've all worked with a Miserable. Life is too short to work with a Miserable. I was given a book by my Arbonne coach, Tara, that has helped me realize that I must rid myself of this poisonous person. The book is titled Funny Side Up. Written by a past VP for Arbonne International, Rita Davenport goes through memoirs and teaches her life lessons. A lot of it is common sense, but sometimes we need the truth to be revealed in another format. Don't let the gal's bright expression on the cover startle you, it sure startled me! Rita brings forth a lot of quality insight: the power of determination, God's plan vs. your plan, and forgiveness that chapter I wept a little. From this book I realized that I had no time for feeling bad. I am a powerful person and I need to start living like one!
So, my plan is to find a new venture here on the Flatlands. I'm still interested in nursing and would like to begin some coursework. One setback: finances. But that's a whooollle 'nuther story. I've applied to a few new jobs recently and have had one response. Unfortunately, at the time of the interview I realized the new position and myself would not mesh very well. Darn. Even after multiple applications to multiple posistions, only that one interview. I must look over my cover letter and resume to ensure there isn't any subtext that I'm a member of the KKK or other terrorist group. WHY WON'T YOU HIRE ME?!
Anywho, what I wanted to talk about was that we all must lose that Miserable in our life. Begone! It may be tough, it may put you in a sticky financial position Okay, I haven't quit yet because I love everyone else! but it is so worth it. YOU are so worth it! I urge you to look up the book. I'll even mail you my copy if you'd like.
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